Earlier in 2015, we updated the Disqus homepage to focus more on notifications—one of the most used features by publishers commenters alike—and to highlight content from across the Disqus network. With these changes, we heard from publishers that the publisher tools got buried and were harder to find.

Today we’re releasing the first of many new features to make it easier for publishers to get to the comment moderation, engagement analytics, revenue features, and other tools for their sites.

There’s a new start page highlighting all the major publisher features, new color coding for pages aimed at publishers, and cleaner navigation there from the homepage.

We’re renaming Disqus comments and revenue features so we can be more specific and clear about what’s what. Learn more about Engage and Reveal. 

There’s much more to come in August and the coming months, including upgrades to the revenue and engagement analytics. With new metrics and more flexible date controls, the upcoming analytics upgrades will made it easier to see the value of Engage for commenter engagement and traffic growth and the results Reveal brings in terms of tangible revenue earnings.

What else are you looking for? Tell us in the comments below or on Discuss Disqus.