Posts by Mat Mullen

New Connections via Disqus. But Only If You Want To.

New Connections via Disqus. But Only If You Want To.

One of the great things about Disqus is the diversity of conversations, sites and people across our network. On any given day, there are 120 million people connecting to Disqus to be part of discussions covering all topics imaginable. Increasingly, people are finding new stuff to talk about by connecting with other commenters. So over the past year, we’ve been building ways that make it easier for you to find and follow people on Disqus who may help you discover new communities. In the last couple of months, we released improvements to profiles, My Disqus and digest emails to make it easier to discover new discussions across Disqus. With the continued goal of helping you discover interesting content, we’re making it even easier to find and follow interesting Disqus users on your favorite communities. Today, we’re announcing the public release of three new features: upvoting visibility, finding Disqus friends on Facebook and private activity.
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