Here at Disqus, we do our best to ensure that all the Disqus services you love are fully operational at all hours of the day. As a publisher, we know you rely on Disqus to do your job, whether that’s growing your audience, engaging with your community, or monetizing your site below-the-fold, you likely want to know if we experience any network-wide service issues.
That’s why we want to highlight, the source of truth for up-to-the-minute information for the network-wide status of all things Disqus. You’ll find status updates for our admin (including the moderation panel), API, Embed, Reveal, and more. Transparency is essential, so we want you to be the first to know if there are any Disqus issues that affect your community and business.
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We make updates for network-wide issues that affect end users, as well as upcoming planned maintenance windows. Thanks for taking a moment to subscribe. For general help, visit our Support Hub.