Whether you want to add social proof to your content or support your article with real life examples, embedding content from your comments section can add a ton of value to your website. If used and placed correctly, your comments can become part of your content itself, providing context, depth, and real-life examples/opinions to your articles! 😱 Additionally, when readers see that their comment was featured or integrated into your piece, it highlights the direct influence they have on the content they are consuming. Readers become more committed to the success of your site if they see that they’re valued and heard. They will also be more willing to take actions that grow your engagement, such as sharing your articles, initiating more discussions, and consistently coming back for more!
Embedded comments let you bring the best comments from your discussion directly into your content. No more taking screenshots of comments to share in a blog post or new article. As you can see in the GIF below, every comment has a link tied to it, which can be revealed by hitting the “share” button. Once you paste this link into our embedded comments generator, it will produce a code. Lastly, you simply use the auto-generated embed code and paste it directly into any HTML web page and voila!
Here’s how it works:
- Grab the direct link to the comment
- Visit https://embed.disqus.com/ and enter the link into the box
- Copy the embed code into a blog post or website and publish

Once you pick out the comments you’d like to feature or build your content around, it’s time to promote them. The best comments can be used to highlight opposing viewpoints, work to connect your community, or even contribute to the very foundation of a new story.
Also keep in mind, it’s important to highlight a broad diversity of perspectives. No matter the topic, there will always be debate, opposing viewpoints, and thought provoking discussion questions, so embracing this and utilizing it as a strength can help create a more inclusive environment where reader feedback is actively encouraged, acknowledged and welcome.
Still need some inspiration? 💡 Here are some of our favorite examples:
Man Repeller published an article titled “Get to Know 5 of Man Repeller’s Top Commenters” where they hosted a Q&A with their most loyal and highly rated commenters. In this piece, they not only highlight their long-time commenters, but talk about how they are shaping their comments section to be less of a battle-field, and more of a place where a diversity of opinions can thrive and be heard.
Another great example is the “Read These Comments” newsletter from the Washington Post. This newsletter collects the best comments on the site, and includes discussion on topics ranging anywhere from the newest binge worthy show on Netflix, to parenting stories, to voicing their support for a new policy. Incorporating this into a newsletter is also a great way to incentivize your audience into joining in on the discussion happening within the comments section. 📝 And who knows, your subscription list may even grow in the process!
We want to know how you’re using embedded comments, so make sure to let us know in the discussion below 👇. Plus, we may even feature your comment in one of our upcoming posts! 😍