A new report from the International News Media Association (INMA) highlights how publishers are using artificial intelligence and automation to grow both their editorial coverage AND their revenue. 

The report, “How Automated Journalism Is Shaping the Future of News Media,” highlights a number of ways news publishers are benefitting from greater adoption of automation, including:

  • Personalization and generating articles 
  • Content recommendations
  • Designing page layout
  • News alerts and rules
  • Tagging others directly
  • Creating short summaries of stories based on longer text

This has helped decrease time-consuming, manual tasks while increasing productivity, boosting loyalty, and generating more revenue by enabling deeper reporting about the topics readers most care about. But there’s another way AI automation can be used by publishers of all kinds.

We'll give you a hint—we're referring to the comments section.

Ok, fine, we'll give you another hint—we're talking about OUR comment section. Naturally. 

Doing away with the manual migraine

Disqus leverages the power of automation to make cultivating high-quality conversation on your site easier and more scalable than ever before, freeing up your team for other, higher-value tasks.

With our AI-powered tools doing the heavy lifting, you can:

  • Identify specific, automated courses of action to take if a comment or a commenter uses restricted words, spam, toxicity, links, or any type of media. These options include delete, mark as spam, and review.
  • Assess new commenters in a pending queue for a predetermined time frame that you control using pre-moderation.
  • Leverage machine learning and comment history across millions of sites to automatically detect and remove spam before it lands on your site.
  • Remove troublesome commenters to stop them from coming back or put them in timeout (without them even knowing).
  • Incentivize engagement with Badges that appear next to a user's name on your site and universally on their profile using automated or manual settings.
  • Provide more specific categorization and controls using AI-driven comment filters so you can remove objectionable content, such as Hate Speech and Bullying.

We also take caution to never be TOO reliant on automation.  After all, there's no replacement for good ol' human expertise—and so we make sure that all of our tools combine the best of automation AND user-friendly configurability, allowing you to optimize your site's moderation policies proactively and with minimum headache.

Tap into the power of AI and automation with Disqus 

Our AI-informed advanced moderation offering provides more specific categorization and controls for your site’s comments with heightened precision and automation. Advanced Moderation is available to our Disqus Pro and Business customers. You can see if this solution is right for you with a 30-day Disqus Pro trial. Have any questions about what our tools can do for you and your site? Come talk to us at publisher-success@disqus.com.