Posts about Product (7)



Security is a top priority at Disqus. The recently publicized SSL encryption vulnerability known as Heartbleed is not a matter that we take lightly. When Heartbleed was announced, our team immediately took action to correct the problem and protect your data. As a result, Disqus is no longer affected by the Heartbleed bug.
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Introducing Featured Comments

Introducing Featured Comments

Have you ever written a comment that just didn't get as much attention as you thought it deserved? Maybe it's an impressive witty remark, an important editorial update, or a clarification for a controversial discussion. Well, now that comment you wrote can get noticed. Recently, we've added the ability for moderators to feature a comment, placing it proudly at the top of the comments section.
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33 Disqus Communities for the New Year

33 Disqus Communities for the New Year

There are a lot of communities that help make Disqus the lively and illuminating network it is today. Out of all of these communities there are sites that continue to rise to the top and make us take notice. So, in the time-honored tradition of “End of Year” lists, we bring you not a lame, Top 10 list, but a GIANT BLOWOUT TOP 33 SITES ACROSS 11 CATEGORIES LIST! We’ve compiled this list based on Gravity, the trending visualization featured on the Disqus homepage, along with some good ole fashioned human selection.
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Commenter Spotlight: NightOwl

Commenter Spotlight: NightOwl

Our second Commenter Spotlight features NightOwl, a frequent commenter over at xoJane. We’re especially pleased to be presenting NightOwl this week, as her favorite community, xoJane, has just received the distinguished FOLIO Award for Best Online Community. XoJane is one of my favorite places to find authentic, generous and funny women sharing their thoughts, and NightOwl is one shining example of why the xoJane community is deserving of this award.
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Commenter Spotlight: Hooded Justice

Commenter Spotlight: Hooded Justice

We’re excited to introduce a new, regular series to the Community Blog — Commenter Spotlight. We’ll be featuring commenters from communities across the Disqus network. Each Commenter Spotlight will include a custom illustration (a loose representation of the commenter’s avatar and top-visited community), a 5-question profile, and a fun, extra section called “Up-vote or Down-vote?”. This last part is pretty straightforward: we ask the commenter if they would up-vote or down-vote 5 subjects, to give you a little sense of their personality (in addition to the profile).
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New Connections via Disqus. But Only If You Want To.

New Connections via Disqus. But Only If You Want To.

One of the great things about Disqus is the diversity of conversations, sites and people across our network. On any given day, there are 120 million people connecting to Disqus to be part of discussions covering all topics imaginable. Increasingly, people are finding new stuff to talk about by connecting with other commenters. So over the past year, we’ve been building ways that make it easier for you to find and follow people on Disqus who may help you discover new communities. In the last couple of months, we released improvements to profiles, My Disqus and digest emails to make it easier to discover new discussions across Disqus. With the continued goal of helping you discover interesting content, we’re making it even easier to find and follow interesting Disqus users on your favorite communities. Today, we’re announcing the public release of three new features: upvoting visibility, finding Disqus friends on Facebook and private activity.
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What’s Cooler Than a Billion Monthly Uniques?

What’s Cooler Than a Billion Monthly Uniques?

Last month, Disqus achieved a significant milestone: our network hit a billion monthly unique visitors. No matter how you slice it, it puts Disqus in a select category of ubiquitous web services that millions of people use everyday.
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Introducing Disqus AudienceSync

Introducing Disqus AudienceSync

We are excited today to announce Disqus AudienceSync: a seamless way for users to port their Disqus profile to publisher sites with one or two clicks. As reported by Adweek, Disqus follows similar approaches used by Facebook and Google+ and is the first discussion platform on the web to offer this technology.
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When Will Disqus Be Available in My Language? You Tell Us.

When Will Disqus Be Available in My Language? You Tell Us.

One of the most common questions asked of Disqus around the world is one I asked myself soon after joining: when will Disqus be available in my language? I answered that question for my own native Turkish by diving into the code and adding that language myself. But not everyone works at Disqus(but you can!) and our previous work at supporting languages could not sufficiently scale to support the global demand for Disqus. So today, we’re announcing the Disqus Translation Community: the tools and support for you to bring Disqus to your country in your language.
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Introducing Disqus Digests

Introducing Disqus Digests

We’re excited to announce the release of Disqus Digest emails.
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Discovery in DISQUS

Discovery in DISQUS

When we first started talking about the soon-to-be-launched Disqus 2012, we highlighted discovery as one of the driving themes behind the new platform:
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Pull people into your conversation with @mentions

Pull people into your conversation with @mentions

I’m excited to introduce a new feature we’ve just rolled out called Disqus @mentions. @mentions allows you to pull people into new conversations by mentioning them in your comments. Before @mentions, commenting threads were an island. There wasn’t a way to reach out to people who weren’t already participating. Now with @mentions, you can call out your friends or friendly social media gurus, and get them involved in the conversation.
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