Posts about Product (6)

Getting started with site moderation on Disqus for iOS 1.1

Getting started with site moderation on Disqus for iOS 1.1

We recently released version 1.1 of the Disqus iPhone app that includes a slew of new features such as site profiles, Twitter and Google login options, and GIF search.
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Disqus for iOS 1.1: Inline moderation, GIF search, and more

Disqus for iOS 1.1: Inline moderation, GIF search, and more

The first major feature release for Disqus for iOS is now available on the App Store. This update includes new features for moderators such as inline moderation actions and for commenters including markdown support and GIF support. Read on to find out what else is new.
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3 small but powerful moderation updates you should know about

3 small but powerful moderation updates you should know about

In the past few weeks, you may have noticed some minor changes to the moderation panel. We’ve made several updates that speed up moderation. The moderation panel is one of the most heavily used pages and it plays an important role in the Disqus ecosystem –– when moderators can work quickly and effectively, they can build awesome communities.
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User blocking is now available on Disqus

User blocking is now available on Disqus

Today, I’m happy to announce the release of our user blocking feature. As one of the most requested features from commenters over the years, user blocking provides you with the ability to manage who you interact with on Disqus.
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Reveal in Review: How we’ve grown to love native advertising at Disqus

Reveal in Review: How we’ve grown to love native advertising at Disqus

Today, we’re announcing significant updates to Reveal: a new default ad unit called Sponsored Story, simpler settings, better controls, and a preview of what’s to come.
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Game of Thrones, Comments and Cute Animals Together at Last!

Game of Thrones, Comments and Cute Animals Together at Last!

With Game of Thrones returning this Sunday, we thought we’d look back at some of the best comments people on Disqus have made about the show. 18 hours later (it was exhausting but in the fun way), we assembled some of the best. And then searched the Internet high and low to match those comments with pictures of animals. (Repeat: these are actual comments.) Allow us to present our hard work.
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What Comments About Oscar® Movies Reveal

What Comments About Oscar® Movies Reveal

Yesterday, we published our findings from studying comments related to Oscar® nominated films. We couldn’t cover all that we discovered in one post. This next batch of findings looks at what surprised us and drove discussions in interesting ways.
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‘You can’t just add comments and expect a community to emerge.’

‘You can’t just add comments and expect a community to emerge.’

"I can see why a site like Re/Code might drop comments. You can't just add comments and expect a community to emerge.
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Introducing Better Notifications

Introducing Better Notifications

Disqus makes it easy for people to add color to content across 3 million websites around the world. And each day, millions of users contribute through comments, replies, upvotes and follows about thousands of topics and interests. Today, we’re announcing new features and changes to our notifications that make it easier for people to track their conversations and better engage with site content on an ongoing basis. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll start seeing this week.
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3 Tips for Sparking Rich Discussions in Your Community (ft. Nikki of Styling You)

3 Tips for Sparking Rich Discussions in Your Community (ft. Nikki of Styling You)

As a community leader for your site, you’re probably interested in building an audience. If you often find yourself sitting on the sidelines, twiddling your thumbs waiting for this to occur, we’ve got some tips for you: get commenting! Jump into the comment section and reply directly to your community members. After all, you’re an important member of, well, your community and your contributions matter. We recently chatted with Nikki Parkinson over at Styling You, who runs a very loyal and active Fashion and Style community. We wanted to pick her brain on the topic of author participation.
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Commenter Spotlight: La Donna Pietra

Commenter Spotlight: La Donna Pietra

We're in the midst of another exciting movie season this summer, with surprise hits like The Guardians of the Galaxy and Boyhood. At Badass Digest, you'll find a community of passionate movie junkies obsessing over the latest box office or movie trailer releases, delving into pop culture, cult classics, and more.
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Passing the Mic: A How-to Guide for Open Threads

Passing the Mic: A How-to Guide for Open Threads

We’re all familiar with this scenario: spend a few hours writing a great blog post (or a few days), hold your breath when you click the publish button, and then BASK IN THE GLORY OF THE AMAZING COMMENTS THAT ROLL IN, ONE AFTER ANOTHER! Unfortunately, that last part isn’t always true. But, there’s hope! We’ve got a few ideas for using Disqus in unique ways to engage your community.
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