Posts about Product (5)

2 more superpowers to elevate your moderation game

2 more superpowers to elevate your moderation game

Recently, we rolled out several sweet updates to the Moderation Panel to reduce the time one spent moderating. With Priority Sort, moderators can now quickly focus on the comments that need the most attention first. Searching for comments is now faster and easier with the new Filter tool that lets you view comments by issue. Lastly, smart comment tags provides much-need context about a comment in moderation.
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Livefyre shut down its WordPress plugin. Here’s how to make the switch to Disqus.

Livefyre shut down its WordPress plugin. Here’s how to make the switch to Disqus.

On October 20, 2016, Livefyre announced the shutdown of its official WordPress plugin. As a result, any new site owners will no longer be able to add comments to their site.
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Announcing a smarter, more powerful Disqus Moderation Panel

Announcing a smarter, more powerful Disqus Moderation Panel

Today, we're excited to announce powerful updates to the moderation panel to help reduce the time you spend moderating comments. Moderation curates discussions to encourage a broad range of opinions to be heard and thoughtful interactions to occur, but it shouldn’t take away the time you need on growing and fostering quality engagement with your audience.
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Introducing in-thread ads: your new way to earn more

Introducing in-thread ads: your new way to earn more

Today we’re excited to announce a new, Disqus-exclusive ad-position for Reveal. Reveal’s new in-thread ad-position allows publishers to take advantage of brand new inventory. We built in-thread to help more publishers earn more revenue from their engaged communities.
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Disqus now compatible with Google AMP

Disqus now compatible with Google AMP

Today, Disqus becomes the first comment system with support for Google AMP. To get more audience engagement on your website from mobile devices, get started with the installation instructions on our Github:
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How to embed Disqus comments on your website

How to embed Disqus comments on your website

Great comments give your community a unique personality and a reason for people to come back. Upvotes, featured comments, and replying to comments are several ways you can acknowledge and recognize your top contributors. Now, there’s a new, more powerful option to add to your toolkit: embedded comments.
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New Updates to Disqus

New Updates to Disqus

Good news! We have some new updates coming to Disqus over the next several weeks. Included in this update are several enhancements to the platform, including new features to Engage, the comment system, and improvements to Reveal, the integrated native advertising solution. Because there’s a lot to this update, we are rolling it out in waves to users.
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Hide that Game of Thrones spoiler using the new Spoiler Tags

Hide that Game of Thrones spoiler using the new Spoiler Tags

When Star Wars: The Force Awakens debut in theatres last December, it was the first Star Wars film in a decade. Ten years ago, Twitter did not exist yet, the iPhone was still under development, and spoilers were only something you inadvertently overheard from your friend or stranger.
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Tackling Spam in the Comments

Tackling Spam in the Comments

An inside look at how we deal with the Internet's biggest frustration Spam is as pervasive as it is annoying. Since the advent of email and user-generated content, forums, and chat rooms, the problem of spam has plagued the Internet everywhere. Even during the infancy of electronic communication, scheming dentists would spam their services to unsuspecting telegram recipients (c. 1864). Seriously, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried:
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Get notified when someone @mentions you in a discussion

Get notified when someone @mentions you in a discussion

User mentions let you pull anyone into a conversation that you think can add a positive contribution. Whether it’s a friend, the author, or that one person on the Internet you like to geek out with about DC Comics, user mentions connect you to others in the community so that commenting can feel more engaging and personal.
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John Oliver won't save journalism. What will?

John Oliver won't save journalism. What will?

“The newspaper industry is suffering.” So says this bit from HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. But, don’t just take John’s word. Time Inc is in trouble as reported by CNN. News Corp is falling short of expectations as reported by AdAge. And that’s just last week! In the fallout, Gawker, which filed for bankruptcy in June, asks “if John Oliver isn’t going to save journalism, what will”? Which brings us here. Journalism is full of problems, but where are the solutions?
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Closing the feedback loop with new Featured Comment & Moderator notifications

Closing the feedback loop with new Featured Comment & Moderator notifications

Notifications are a core feature for how publishers on Disqus retain and re-engage with their readers. Currently, we send notifications on a variety of community actions:
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