Posts about Community

Disqus Welcomes Back The A.V. Club!

Disqus Welcomes Back The A.V. Club!

Today is a really exciting day for the Disqus team as we welcome The A.V. Club back to Disqus!
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Advanced Moderation is freeing publishers from the moderation migraine

Advanced Moderation is freeing publishers from the moderation migraine

When considering the various pros and cons of employing an on-site comments section, publishers can sometimes feel a bit wary of the potential burden of comment moderation that comes along with one. We totally get it—after all, the prospect of having to manually sift through and review each incoming comment is a daunting one, especially so for overstretched editorial and community management teams, as well as for sites that generate large volumes of comments.
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New: Advanced Moderation tools that set the tone for your community

New: Advanced Moderation tools that set the tone for your community

Let's face it—you, as a Disqus publisher, don't have the time or resources to sit there and manually review each comment being posted to your comments section, do you?
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Publishers, let's start leveraging comments to create a loyal audience!

Publishers, let's start leveraging comments to create a loyal audience!

Your audience is your bread and butter, it is who you publish for. The comments are a place for your users to express their opinions amongst themselves—with you leading the discussion. With so much content out there it can be difficult bringing fresh yet relevant content to your audience, how do you keep the ideas coming to match this fast-paced day and age. Have you considered leveraging that same engagement for new content?
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The metaverse won't exist without creators like you

The metaverse won't exist without creators like you

You've probably already heard all the buzz about Facebook recently rebranding as Meta. The corporate makeover was meant to signal that the company is looking to expand outwards from social media and into the so-called "metaverse."
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Publisher Spotlight: ScreenAge Wasteland

Publisher Spotlight: ScreenAge Wasteland

Helping to power some of the coolest websites on the internet is one of our very favorite things about what we do here at Disqus.
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One week after #FacebookDown—what did we learn?

One week after #FacebookDown—what did we learn?

Last Monday, the digital world was rocked as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp all went down for an unprecedented amount of time (about 6 hours, but it felt like forever, didn't it?) due to a combination of factors involving human error as well as a code update that went awry and prevented Facebook from accessing its own data centers.
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Twitter announces Communities feature, but can it help publishers?

Twitter announces Communities feature, but can it help publishers?

Twitter's newest feature, Communities, is set to take on Facebook Groups, Reddit, and Discord as a viable method of creating semi-exclusive, interest-based conversations.
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12 cool badges that Disqus publishers have created

12 cool badges that Disqus publishers have created

Here at Disqus, we’re always dreaming up tools that will help our publishers boost community engagement. A highly engaged community enjoys robust returning visitor traffic and time-on-site, two crucial performance metrics that can lead to higher ad revenue and better SEO positioning.
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What Does Google MCM Mean for Publishers?

What Does Google MCM Mean for Publishers?

In a move that directly impacts publishers and their ad revenue, Google has recently announced that they’ll be replacing their Scaled Partner Management (SPM) program with Multiple Customer Management (MCM).
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What are lurkers and how can you engage them?

What are lurkers and how can you engage them?

Digital publishers love people that notice their work - I mean, who doesn’t? There are “creators” that will create UGC for your brand. The “engagers” that will share your posts, and of course, the “commenters” that keep your online community alive.
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What Disqus Commenters Are Saying About Fyre Festival

What Disqus Commenters Are Saying About Fyre Festival

I’m sure by now you’ve seen the hysteria, jokes, memes, articles, and watched the 2 documentaries about the infamous Fyre Festival🔥. If not, please shield your eyes, stop reading now, and don’t come back until you do! Because spoilers, y’all!!
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