Posts about Community (3)

Our Commitment to Fighting Hate Speech

Our Commitment to Fighting Hate Speech

Free speech is a fundamental part of the Disqus network. We power diverse discussions across millions of websites, reaching billions of readers. Our platform enables people from across the web and around the world to share, discuss, and debate issues and their beliefs. Whether or not we personally identify with everything posted on our network, we believe in the right to speak our minds and share our ideas.
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MIT Technology Review is now on Disqus!

MIT Technology Review is now on Disqus!

No matter how you feel about CES, the annual tradeshow provides a glimpse into the future shaped profoundly by technology. Ideas once borne from science fiction novels are increasingly becoming reality from autonomous vehicles and a computer beating us at Go to VR headsets that can transport us into a completely different dimension barely indistinguishable from our own. If anything, the pace of change is accelerating faster than we can keep up with.
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Time to go vote!

Time to go vote!

We love to see commenters use Disqus to share their opinions in a free and open environment. Over the past 18+ months we've powered passionate discussions about the 2016 presidential election on the The Hill, Rolling Stone, Breitbart, The Atlantic, CNBC, Mediaite,, Red State, and many more sites across the internet.
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Meet Batman News, your pick for the best comic book website

Meet Batman News, your pick for the best comic book website

If you look back at the top grossing films in recent years, you’ll notice an interesting pattern: comic book franchises have emerged as a powerful cultural force in the mainstream and show no signs of slowing down. Spider-Man. Batman. X-Men. The Avengers. Chances are you’ve probably watched one of these comic books on the silver screen.
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What Disqus Commenters Are Saying About Pokémon Go

What Disqus Commenters Are Saying About Pokémon Go

In case you have been living under a rock the last week (unless you were out searching for some Onix), Pokémon Go is all the rage right now.
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Debate time: Clinton vs. Trump

Debate time: Clinton vs. Trump

If I were to ask 10 people on the street what they think about comments online when it comes to politics, I’d likely hear that political opinions online are often loud, colorful, and most-often uncivil. Name calling, finger pointing, and relentless ridicule are often what people expect. But that isn’t always the case.
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Most Popular Science Website: NASA

Most Popular Science Website: NASA

The science community has had a lot to be excited about.
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How SpoilerTV built a community of 120K active readers with Disqus

How SpoilerTV built a community of 120K active readers with Disqus

It’s May and many television shows are wrapping up their seasons. For Andy Page, it’s also the busiest time of year for SpoilerTV, a site for TV news, rumors, and reviews, which he started in 2007. Luckily, he’s been building websites for over a decade.
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When does moderation become censorship?

When does moderation become censorship?

If you’re a community leader on the Internet, chances are you've been accused of censoring those whose comments you've deleted. Of course, you probably don't want to come across to your site visitors as an authoritarian dictator-type, and you probably don't refer to yourself as "Big Brother" in your About Me page. But after enough accusations, you might start to wonder… “have I gone too far as a community moderator?”
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Zero to One: How community leaders build the future of your community

Zero to One: How community leaders build the future of your community

There’s a golden age in every nascent community. A period when social norms are still forming, the membership is small enough where you can still keep track of who’s who, and the interactions still feel very personal.
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Listening to great communities: 4 big questions from our Android Police AMA

Listening to great communities: 4 big questions from our Android Police AMA

We love talking with communities. It’s even better when we get to use our own product to talk to customers in real-time. That’s why, we’ve recently been jumping around to our favorite communities to host AMAs (ask me anything) where we answer all of the burning questions people have about our product.
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Commenter Spotlight: Kandric

Commenter Spotlight: Kandric

Getting help from an Internet stranger is a pretty surreal experience. You open a browser tab with beads of sweat trickling down your brow, and find your way to a support forum in hopes that your burning question will be answered by some noble human who has more knowledge than you.
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