Disqus Welcomes Back The A.V. Club!

Today is a really exciting day for the Disqus team as we welcome The A.V. Club back to Disqus!

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Disqus Welcomes Back The A.V. Club!
Squeezing Content Creation Into Your Daily Routine

Squeezing Content Creation Into Your Daily Routine

Creating content is the foundation of a successful content marketing strategy. You need to continuously put out new material because the internet never takes the day off. It’s an everyday battle to stay relevant! This can be especially tiring if you are a social media manager as social media is always “on.” Here are a few content creation tips to improve your workflow, no matter how busy your schedule becomes.
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Content Audits: What They Are and Why You Need One

Content Audits: What They Are and Why You Need One

Your content team is running like a high functioning engine. You’re pushing out content fast, but how do you know if the content is truly engaging your audience? A content audit can help you figure out if your content is meeting your marketing goals. While content audits can be a bit time consuming, we have some tricks to help you make it faster!
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Email Marketing 101

Email Marketing 101

The statement “Email marketing is dead” is something that I hear time and time again, and I am sure a few if you have been told this too. Well, today I am here to tell you that not only is it alive and well, but it’s making a lot of businesses money!
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Leveraging Content Calendars to Improve Consistency

Leveraging Content Calendars to Improve Consistency

Anyone who has ever written content for email campaigns, social media posts, or any other marketing vehicle knows how exciting it can be. However, the excitement can quickly come to a screeching halt when you are juggling four email campaigns, three social media posts, the internal company newsletter, and a PR release. When you look at it this way, it’s quite easy to see how things can quickly get out of hand amongst the chaos.
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How to Increase Blog Comments and Engagement With Visuals

How to Increase Blog Comments and Engagement With Visuals

You have a few different goals with your company blog. First, you want to drive traffic to your blog content. Then you want to inform your audience. And last, you want your readers to engage with your content, whether it’s by leaving a comment, sharing your post or making a purchase.
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How to Repurpose Your Podcast

How to Repurpose Your Podcast

Based on the feedback from how to get started with podcasts, we understand that a lot of time and effort goes into creating a podcast episode. They can be an effective way to promote your brand. 32% of Americans listen to podcasts at least once a month (that’s approximately 150 million people!). Repurposing your podcast into different formats can help you reach that 68% of Americans who aren’t frequent podcast listeners.
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Why Is Video Marketing So Effective?

Why Is Video Marketing So Effective?

On YouTube alone, people spend 1 billion hours watching videos every day. Consumers not only love watching videos online, but they’re also willing to shell out cold hard cash if they like what they see. Marketers often think they need fancy equipment and decked-out studios to make videos for their marketing campaigns. But that’s not always true!
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Reader Journey Mapping: Why & How

Reader Journey Mapping: Why & How

As we’ve written about in our recent blog posts, all writers are selling something. Whether that be a physical product or service, or selling their content and asking you to pay for it with your time and attention. Whether you’ve been doing this for one day or ten years, you’ve probably noticed that selling online is an entirely different ball game. Today, online sales teams can track your buying patterns and tailor content or offers just for you. Likewise, consumers can investigate you and compare your content, products, or services to those of your competitors. With all this info at their fingertips, consumers now expect personalization.
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Enhancing Your Content Strategy with Podcasts

Enhancing Your Content Strategy with Podcasts

The rise of content marketing has propelled blogging to new heights. And while blogging is an effective way to deliver content to your audience, there’s another method that doesn’t quite get the attention it deserves. Enter the humble podcast. Data released by Edison Research and Triton Digital states that 22% of Americans listen to podcasts on a weekly basis. That’s more than 72 million people!
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7 Disqus Sites You'll Want to Check Out Before the Oscars

7 Disqus Sites You'll Want to Check Out Before the Oscars

With the Grammys and the Super Bowl behind us, film fans around the world are gearing up for the 2020 Oscars. Nominations for Best Picture and Best Actor/Actress are filled with amazing movies and performances from the past year. In this post we’ll take a look at several Oscar nominated movies as well as highlight some of our favorite movie sites from the Disqus community of publishers. Movie geeks, this one’s for you! 🎬
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3 Steps To Writing More Persuasive Copy

3 Steps To Writing More Persuasive Copy

All writers sell something. You might not always notice it, but a transaction takes place every time you read a piece of content. Right now, you’re buying information and you’re paying for it with your time. People say that time is our most valuable resource. If that’s true, then right now you’re spending some of your most valuable currency learning how to write persuasive copy! That tells me a lot about you.
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